Operation Tomodachi

Environmental Health Surveillance

Protecting Health and Preventing Illness from
Environmental Hazards.

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Operation Tomodachi

Environmental Health Surveillance

Protecting Health and Preventing Illness from
Environmental Hazards.

Learn more about the Health Surveillance Registries About the Registries

Operation Tomodachi

Environmental Health Surveillance

Protecting Health and Preventing Illness from
Environmental Hazards.

Learn more about the Health Surveillance Registries About the Registries

Operation Tomodachi

Operation Tomodachi

Operation Tomodachi ("Friend") -- DOD response to the March 11, 2011 Japanese earthquake, tsunami, and release of radiation from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.

DOD has developed a comprehensive Operation Tomodachi radiation exposure registry that includes the entire DOD-affiliated population of Service members, DOD civilian employees, family members of Service members and DOD employees, and DOD contractors who were on or near the mainland of Japan from March 12 to May 11, 2011.

Enter Operation Tomodachi Registry website Operation Tomodachi Registry


Enewetak Cleanup Veterans
Originally published by Defense Threat Reduction Agency Website · Summer 2016

To assist these veterans and their advocates, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency Nuclear Test Personnel Review has established an informational public webpage.

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Fukushima meltdown not seen causing many cancers: UN scientists
Originally published by Reuters · April 2, 2014

VIENNA – Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster is unlikely to lead to a rise in the number of people developing cancer like after Chernobyl in 1986, even though the most exposed children may face an increased risk, U.N. scientists said on Wednesday.

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